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Algorithm hub to explore content actively

VW(View) is an algorithm hub for an active content explore. Enjoy a new exploration of discerning useful information among countless content that pops up on your screen daily and digesting them.
Content overload on social platforms

What have you watched today? Amongst all, haven't you been watching lots of content on social platforms like Youtube or Instagram? Every day, We consume countless content pouring in through social platforms. However, when it comes to content, we have little choice but to consume them passively.
'Unknown algorithm' that rules social platforms

This is because of the algorithms. Often called 'unknown algorithms', recommendation algorithms on social platforms are also called black box algorithms, for users cannot see the inner processes or consequences within them. Users have no choice but to accept or reject the content recommended by the algorithms, either of which are passive and reactive. Being reactive can mean two things: that 'we do not know what we see' and that 'we cannot control them', both of which mean that we lack 'digital literacy' when we explore for content.
  • Problem
    Generation Z’s lack of ‘digital literacy’
  • [02]
Generation Z's lacking 'digital literacy'

‘Digital literacy’ is a word that refers to the ability to actively discriminate and digest the information that is pouring into us, and as social platforms become commonplace, it is a problem that has recently emerged especially for the digital native generation Z.
  • User Research
    People who don’t know why “Why” content is recommended
  • [03]
Users do not know 'which' content is recommended 'why'.

The result of our previously done research showed that people have been relying on social platform's feeds to explore for content, and they were not aware of what kind of content was being recommended and why. The only way they could control the content was either by avoiding the content they didn't like or to reporting it. This means that digital literacy is not guaranteed when users explore the social platforms.

  • Solution
    Algorithm hub to explore content actively
  • [04]
Algorithm hub to explore content actively

In order to regain user's independence that has been taken away by social platforms, we need to make the algorithms invisible to 'visible' and uncontrollable to 'controllable'. Why don't we make the invisible algorithms visible with VW(View), an algorithm hub made to explore content proactively?
  • User Scenario
    Three-user scenario managing algorithm gardens in VW(View)
  • [05]
VW(view), a column-shaped algorithm garden that confirms and controls according to user's intention

In VW(View), algorithms are expressed as a column-shaped garden called 'View' where various types of vegetations grow. At a glance, you can see the overall ratio and the development progress of the algorithms that were not visible on social platforms. You can also proactively manage and control each algorithm, just like growing a garden. Try increasing the ratio of the category you like or leaving out keywords of the content you don't like to hide them.
Solve a 'twisted algorithm' by freezing the timeline!

You often say there is a twisted algorithms when unintended content keeps popping up on your feed. Now you can go back to your previous algorithm through a timeline. Enjoy the content you want as much as you need by freezing the ratio of categories that changes naturally with algorithms.
Stay unbiased, Expend your point of view by seeing other viewers' 'View'

If you only consume content of your interest or if your algorithm is biased, your View's plants may be left alone and grow out of hand! See other users' Views and check how different your perspectives are even on the same category. While scrolling through other Views, you can save or apply someone else's View to yours if you find one that interests you.
From content curation to management of algorithms in various environments

Do you need a high quality algorithm selected by an expert? Subscribe to the algorithm curation in different areas and the filtering function that filters out negative content. There is more. You can manage your View in a number of ecosystems depending on your usage environment, not just on a mobile app but also on widgets or PC as well.
Managing VW(View) in your own way

With VW(View), users can see the actualized algorithms that used to be invisible, control them depending on their taste and purpose, and expend their perspective on consuming content by seeing other users' algorithm gardens. In other word, you can manage your VW(View) in your own way in different situations.
Acquiring digital literacy naturally

This makes it possible for the user to proactively explore content independently, which naturally helps them acquire 'digital literacy', the ability to proactively judge and selectively digest information.
Indispensable actualization of algorithms

VW(View) provides users not the algorithm itself, but the visualized result value of the algorithm. Data controlled by the user are transported back to back end to reflected on algorithms in each social platform. In this structure, it is possible for data to move and be reflected with independent control. Some developers working on varios social platforms like Youtube or Instagram have critical mindset when it comes to transparency and ethical problems of algorithms. Now that the transparency and ethics of algorithms are being discussed in the EU, technical cooperations between platforms beyond independent control will open up to more possibilities.
Benefits of social platform ecosystem

If users are exposed to more of the content they want, it may lead to more content consumption. This is also a huge advantage for existing social platforms looking for more viewing time. It can also be seen as a good alternative or a positive move to address the emerging global social platform algorithmic ethics issues. A sustainable virtuous cycle is possible with a subscription business model through a quality algorithm curation and negative content filtering, and through this, a positive effect can be expected in the social platform ecosystem where more quality content is consumed.
An environment where you can distinguish and digest abundant information by yourself, this is the new navigation that VW(View) dreams of. It's time for a new exploration.
Designer of
    • credit-single
    • 김현준 UX 30/PL
    • Kim Hyeonjun
      • Linkedin
      • behance
      • instagram
    • credit-single
    • 김현기 UX 30
    • Kim Hyeonki
      • Linkedin
      • behance
      • instagram
    • credit-single
    • 이유진 UX 30
    • Lee Yoojin
      • Linkedin
      • behance
      • instagram
    • credit-single
    • 윤예현 UX 31
    • Yoon Yehyeon
      • behance
      • instagram
    • credit-single
    • 현수련 UX 31
    • Hyeon Suryun
      • Linkedin
      • behance
      • instagram
Thanks To
Advisory Professor
  • 김치헌
    Kim Chiheon
  • Humanities Professor
  • 윤재영
    Yoon Jaeyoung
  • UX Professor
  • 홍준표
    Hong Junpyo
  • UX, Branding Tutor
  • 박수경
    Park Sukyeong
  • UI Tutor
  • 홍지은
    Hong Jieun
  • UI Tutor
  • 이세희
    Lee Sehee
  • Algorithmic Advisory